
Linting Code

📄 About

Linting is the process of running a program that will analyse code for potential errors. In the case of JavaScript, it’s incredibly useful for spotting little things that you might otherwise miss, such as using a variable before it’s been defined, using an out-of-scope variable, and passing the wrong number of arguments to a function.

→ lint-staged

Lint-staged (opens in a new tab) is a tool that allows you to run linters on Git staged files. This means that only the files you’ve changed will be linted. Used together with Husky (opens in a new tab), it can prevent bad code from being committed and pushed.

Config Structure:

├── apps
├── docs
   ├── .eslintrc.js
   └── lint-staged.config.js   # overwrite global lint-staged.config.js, custom eslint
└── web
├── .eslintrc.js
└── lint-staged.config.js   # overwrite global lint-staged.config.js, custom eslint
├── packages
└── ui
├── .eslintrc.js
└── lint-staged.config.js   # overwrite global lint-staged.config.js, custom eslint

├── lint-staged.common.js  # few common utils
└── lint-staged.config.js  # base config to overwrite per apps/packages

→ commitlint

Commitlint (opens in a new tab) is a tool that checks if your commit messages meet the conventional commit (opens in a new tab) format. It’s used in conjunction with Husky (opens in a new tab) to ensure that your commit messages are in the correct format before you push them.

We also use conventional commit to generate changelog automatically. Check Contributing section for more details.


We are using our own, shared config, installed as npm dependency - @wayofdev/commitlint-config (opens in a new tab)

Config Structure:

└── commitlint.config.js  # config extends @wayofdev/commitlint-config

→ stylelint

→ eslint

→ prettier